Monday, January 11, 2010

My silly Mama

This year, Mama kept a list- of people she thoughts deserves a ‘thank you’ card from her. My vet human, Laura, is one of them. She thinks that if it wasn’t for Laura, then I’d have to endure even more pain from my Pancreatitis- if not things far worse and Mama cannot bring herself to even write here. I’m all cured now.

So.... Laura was sent a ‘thank you’ card and Mama signed it for me (as in- it said it was from ‘Sherkhan’)... but that does not say half of how grateful Mama feels towards her. I guess it means that Mama loves ‘me’ a lot.

I’m scared of Laura- she prods me, pokes me- and does all the annoying things a vet human does to kittens... and I wish I do not have to visit her anytime soon.... if EVER!

Strangely, even after Mama and I having polar opposite feelings about Laura- both of us wish we do not have to see her for a very very very long time!

Isn’t it strange or what?


brandi said...

Hi, Sherkan. I am SOOO glad you feel better. I will still purr for you so that you don't have to go back to the vet. Your mama and my mama have the same problem--not letting us blog a lot! We'll both work on it, 'kay?

Sweet Praline said...

How very thoughtful of your mom. I don't blame you - my mom and I don't want to see my vet anytime soon, either.

Cliff and Olivia said...

That was a nice thought. We went to the vet today - not too bad.

Angel and Kirby said...

We hope you do not have to see her for a long time, either.

Tracey said...

I never want to see my vet either Sherkhan! Even if he is a nice man.

By the way, I don't think your mum is keeping up her resolution of helping you blog more this year :) ALSO, I did get your card and thank you!

p.s. it's me, Huffle Mawson, but mum is logged in and couldn't be bothered logging out. Slacker!

World of Animals, Inc said...

We like hearing about your being so silly. We are happy that you are feeling much better now and don't have to go back again for a while. Thanks for sharing the great post. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals