It has finally been diagnosed; I have tested positive for ‘Pancreatitis’.
It explains my five vet visits in the last two months for vomiting, diarrhoea and constipation. It explains
my meowhhs to Mama and confirms Mama’s gut feeling that something was indeed wrong with me. The vet thinks I have had this thing for some time now.
this website, in short, Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas caused by leakage of active digestive enzymes into the pancreatic tissue. Which means, my Pancreas*- instead of doing its job of breaking down fats and proteins into simpler forms is inflamed and unable.
For now, I am to be put through a prescription diet; one of the simpler ones that does not put too much pressure on my pancreas. This may be a lifelong thing, as in- I may need to be on a special diet all my life. Mama will go to the vet today to pick up my new food.
I will also have to take a weekly injection for Vitamins (Mama is not sure if this also is a lifelong thing). Mama thinks since the new food is simpler for my digestive system break down into the necessary fluids- so that my pancreas does not need to work too hard and has time to heal- I will need to be supplemented with Vitamins- but she needs to ask the vet if that really is the reason.
The third thing is that I will have to take pain medication. This disease causes a lot of pain on the stomach, and even though cats are less complaining and more prone to hide pain- than dogs are- the pain is still there- pain medication will be a way to help me be comfortable.
So, this is it so far in my health grounds. While my parents are much distressed that I am in so much pain in such a small age (I am 10 months old!), they are determined in getting me fixed and making it as comfortable for me as possible.
One advice from my humans to all the kitty parents out there- if you can afford it at all- please think about getting a pet insurance. They know how much you love your kitties, and it will be easier for both you and your kitties in the long run. Mama-Papa had one taken for me since I was 2 months old and that has been much helpful for them. In the last 2 months the vet bills have been more than AUD $650, and the parents will be able to get most of it back. It is a large amount of money regardless and without the insurance taken for me months back, it would have been very very difficult for them to manage. Another thing is that the prescription diet that I will need to take, the cost can be claimed by the insurance; as well as the cost of
If you need some information about pet insurance, please leave a meow and Mama will try her best to help you with whatever information she can provide.
That’s all for today, kitties and humans. While my parents are still very upset- they are also determined that they will NOT let anything happen to me.
*The pancreas is a pale pink, lobulated organ located near the liver & behind the stomach. More can be found here, if you are a knowledge junkie as my Mama is.