One of my favourite activities for the weekend is making my humans open the door for me... now, this is not very very hard- you just have to meow, meow hard.... meow so hard that the humans drop everything and come to your 'rescue'... umm... as in... 'service'.

Now... once THAT step is done.... I'm quickiety quick to climb
on the door... yes, I said 'on'... See the net door in the photograph? Just take it's aide and up I go! It's easy, see? It's a LOT of fun... it's like having a FULL VIEW of the WHOLE CORRIDOR!
Now, THAT is something we cats like, don't we?

Anyway, as I was meowing.... now that I'm up and all the
snoopervision is done.... a cat needs to get down... you know how the litter tray and food bowl are somehwhere
on the ground and
not on the door! So time to meow again.... real loud, like this:
MEEEEOOOWWWWWWW! And there comes Papa to my
rescue... umm...
For the record though, mind you- I was NOT begging for help.... my parents seem to see way too eager to get me down on the ground anyway! We cats have to get the humans get their ways
some times at least! Meow-nod!
.... besides, it's my nap time now... and obviously, the spot 'on' the door is no place for sleeping!
PS: The comments are working again. Thanks to my mate
Huffle for bringing the problem to mama's notice! Cheers, matie!