Sunday, August 22, 2010

Where has Mr Summer Gone.. ?

Do you know how cold it is these days, kitties?

Agreed, today wasn't so bad... it was sunny all morning and there were many magpies to watch; but as the night falls and the sun goes to sleep, the temperature again starts to fall. That is what is happening at this very moment. Bleh!

I’m pretty happy that we have a room heater that keeps us so warm. Sometimes if you are inside the house you cannot imagine at all how cold the outside is! Not that I’m complaining- I quite like the fact that no one can tell.

That probably means that this room heater you see in the picture, is my friend! It keeps me so warm and toasty!

Anyway... happy winter you all. I can’t wait for this winter to be over, but hey... it doesn’t mean we cannot be HAPPY in Winter!



Old Kitty said...

Oh my goodness beautiful and ever so floofy Sherkhan!! Not only what has happened to Mr Summer but what has happened to your blog too!?!? My goodness!! Me and Charlie are so so so in AWE and very impressed with your new look blog!! Wonderful!!

Awwww sweet Sherkhan!! We like that your new best friend is keeping you nice and snug and warm!

Take care

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hey, I agree with Old Kitty, your blog looks great! Summer? We have it over here in South Carolina USA.

Katnip Lounge said...

We have Mega hot weather here, Sherkhan, feel free to come over any time! Mommy will never notice one more kitty...MOL!
You room heater does look nice and toasty. We only have hot blowey things in the ceiling at our house.
And we like your new's very fun!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We would love to have some of your cool nights. It is 103 here today. As you long for Summer, we long for Winter!

Jacqueline said...

Hi, Sherkhan, we've missed you, handsome boy!...Your new blog look is wonderful!...Happy dreams, sweet friend...We hope you have a fun week ahead...sending you lots of kisses from your girlfriends, extra kisses from Halle :)...Calle, Halle, Sukki