Mama and papa have been busy and I had no one to help me blog! They’ve been busy at home, and mama complains about work too- that she’s drowning in work. Not sure how one ‘drowns’ in work. It’s not like ‘work’ is ‘water’!
I think papa is having a surgery in a few days. Cor-nea trans-plant. This is a com-plicated way of getting another human’s cor-nea and getting rid of the one he has now. I wonder if it will still smell the same. I guess I’ll need to find out in time.
Meanwhile, I think it’s good that papa will stay at home with me for some days. A kitty needs com-pany and papa makes a good com-panion! Besides, I’m a big boy now and I can take full responsibility of grooming the human!
We all know humans need grooming and cats do it best!
Besides the tops on human bellies make the best cat beds!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
i'm a big boy now!!!!
Did I mention that I am now a four month old kitty? Four months and two days, to be exact. I now weigh close to two kilos, am much longer if I stretch myself fully. I guess you can call me a ‘big boy’ now. I am much pleased about that already! Yipppppiiiee!!!!
Anyhow- all else aside, since I am a big boy now- it’s only fair that I’d like to do big boy things- well... things like going outside near the birds (and kill them if I can!), like using the basin in the bathroom (I can handle water!), like protecting the house and my humans from other invisible cats (they are invisible and humans cannot see them!), like waking mama up from her sleep about 15 minutes before the alarm clock rings (I don’t want her to get all startled when that scary alarm rings all of a sudden!).
I have been meowing at mama to let me out for a while, I have been pawing the water when mama brushes her teeth in the morning, I have been arching my back and looking outside the house in the evenings to fight the invisible cats, and I make sure to meow hard to wake mama up at 5:30am- her alarm goes off at 5:45am- so I make sure I don’t miss it!
True, I get a little chirrupy meowy kittish like small baby kittens when I am sleepy and I seek out mama so that she can hug me and cuddle me- but apart from that I AM a big boy now and I am learning to be res-pon-sible!!!
Anyhow- all else aside, since I am a big boy now- it’s only fair that I’d like to do big boy things- well... things like going outside near the birds (and kill them if I can!), like using the basin in the bathroom (I can handle water!), like protecting the house and my humans from other invisible cats (they are invisible and humans cannot see them!), like waking mama up from her sleep about 15 minutes before the alarm clock rings (I don’t want her to get all startled when that scary alarm rings all of a sudden!).
I have been meowing at mama to let me out for a while, I have been pawing the water when mama brushes her teeth in the morning, I have been arching my back and looking outside the house in the evenings to fight the invisible cats, and I make sure to meow hard to wake mama up at 5:30am- her alarm goes off at 5:45am- so I make sure I don’t miss it!
True, I get a little chirrupy meowy kittish like small baby kittens when I am sleepy and I seek out mama so that she can hug me and cuddle me- but apart from that I AM a big boy now and I am learning to be res-pon-sible!!!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Been kitten, doing that!!!
Now, how did I end up here?
I've told you guys a thousand times, now would be the thousand and the first: It is not an easy job being a cat, let alone a kitten. Many a times on a simple day I find myself doing complex stuffs (ya, stuffs, NOT mischief I tell ya) for no apparent reasons. For example, I start with my random territorial ramblings just to find myself heavily clawing the cardboard box at the corner trying to fit myself into that tiny space; or unwittingly realizing that I'm hanging on that menacing kitchen apron. Dad tells me that it is more like some humans who always find themselves munching on those brown forbidden stuff for me called chocolate. I don't know though why Dad compares my works of greater universal need of cathood to a mere compulsive chocolate devouring ritual of those meager human kind. Anyhow, I can't be bothered as I have been engulfed with such silly human ideas everyday since I came on this planet 4 months back. Well, they, the humans, give good cuddles though to be fair. Now, look how I again strolled away in my thoughts. It is indeed very difficult being me.
So, here, how did I end up on this 8 feet high thin ledge of this door? Catness me, how do I get down now? I guess, it is time to call Dad again. Uff, I have to put up with his silly ideas once again; I am sure he'll call this the "High-rise syndrome" or something of that overtly intellectual sort. Anyhow, I still need help, meowww...
I've told you guys a thousand times, now would be the thousand and the first: It is not an easy job being a cat, let alone a kitten. Many a times on a simple day I find myself doing complex stuffs (ya, stuffs, NOT mischief I tell ya) for no apparent reasons. For example, I start with my random territorial ramblings just to find myself heavily clawing the cardboard box at the corner trying to fit myself into that tiny space; or unwittingly realizing that I'm hanging on that menacing kitchen apron. Dad tells me that it is more like some humans who always find themselves munching on those brown forbidden stuff for me called chocolate. I don't know though why Dad compares my works of greater universal need of cathood to a mere compulsive chocolate devouring ritual of those meager human kind. Anyhow, I can't be bothered as I have been engulfed with such silly human ideas everyday since I came on this planet 4 months back. Well, they, the humans, give good cuddles though to be fair. Now, look how I again strolled away in my thoughts. It is indeed very difficult being me.
So, here, how did I end up on this 8 feet high thin ledge of this door? Catness me, how do I get down now? I guess, it is time to call Dad again. Uff, I have to put up with his silly ideas once again; I am sure he'll call this the "High-rise syndrome" or something of that overtly intellectual sort. Anyhow, I still need help, meowww...
Saturday, February 21, 2009
weekend photo post: last week in pictures :D

so this is my new favourite thing of the moment. mama and papa got me this tentie!!!

mama gave good cuddles!!!!!

papa made me follow the trails!

i rub nosies with big cats!
the new human
we had a guest staying at our home last night: mama-papa's friend who lives in syd-ney; the humans call her 'mu-mu'.
she, i think, is a big cat person. when she was in that far far away place where she comes from- she used to have two cats of her own. she was very happy to see me, but of course- kittens, when they see some human giving them a lot of attention, bring up an air about themselves- and show it off to the person. i did the same. this 'mu-mu' person was still very nice till the end though.
yea- i did show some attitude at first, but 'mu-mu' and i became friends soon after. she let me chew her books and her fingers which mama never lets me- so i thought it was a good deal! besides she gives good cuddles!
she is gone now, but if she comes back i think i'll play with her now. meeeow! or is she gone back to syd-ney now??!!!
she, i think, is a big cat person. when she was in that far far away place where she comes from- she used to have two cats of her own. she was very happy to see me, but of course- kittens, when they see some human giving them a lot of attention, bring up an air about themselves- and show it off to the person. i did the same. this 'mu-mu' person was still very nice till the end though.
yea- i did show some attitude at first, but 'mu-mu' and i became friends soon after. she let me chew her books and her fingers which mama never lets me- so i thought it was a good deal! besides she gives good cuddles!
she is gone now, but if she comes back i think i'll play with her now. meeeow! or is she gone back to syd-ney now??!!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
mama says i look like 'batman' from if you look at me from the back. now, you tell me- why would i look like batman!!! i can, at most, look like a 'cat boy'! humans can be so silly...!
just so you can judge- here's a picshure mama took of me today while i was waiting for papa to come back home.....
[caption id="attachment_111" align="alignnone" width="420" caption="shera waiting at the door for his papa"]
i know i have darker ears and they stand out, but do you REALLY think i look like batman!!!
EDIT: and oh! the human feet that you can see from the net door that i am looking out from- THAT'S MY PAPA!
just so you can judge- here's a picshure mama took of me today while i was waiting for papa to come back home.....
[caption id="attachment_111" align="alignnone" width="420" caption="shera waiting at the door for his papa"]

i know i have darker ears and they stand out, but do you REALLY think i look like batman!!!
EDIT: and oh! the human feet that you can see from the net door that i am looking out from- THAT'S MY PAPA!
the vet and more on orange flames...
mama took me to the v-e-t yesterday. this vet that i go to, his office is far from our home- but mama still takes me there because she says i have a ‘rappo’ with him. i guess she is right. the other ‘orange tabby fur (insert my maussie for the human readers: ginger haired)’ vet near our place does not talk to me like i am a person, he just talks to mama... but this ‘black fur’ (insert by maussie for the human readers: black haired) human who calls me ‘little sherkhan’ and actually talks to me like mama and papa does! i am surprised some humans think cats do not ‘get’ it when they speak to them! humans are so silly! meow!
anyway, it wasn’t nice when the black fur vet poked a sharp pointy thing inside my skin though. it pricked me! but he gave me a good massage after that so i got okay! mama told me it was called an ‘in-jec-tion’ and it will help me ‘not’ falling sick as days go by. oh well... i’m not sure why a prick on my skin will help me in any way- but what can you do when humans make you do things.... besides, i’m sure that was why i felt so crappy the rest of the day. mew. I napped through the evening!
you know about the orange flames (insert by maussie for the human readers: fire) that are eating up our forests (insert by maussie for the human readers: melbourne bushfire)? those orange flames made the whole city very smokey. mama and i both had a headache yesterday because we breathed the smoke in when we went to the vet, but mama thinks we should not complain much- lots of humans, cats, woofies, koalas and kangaroos has been having it a lot worse in the past 2 weeks.
mama cried yesterday when the flat black box (insert by maussie for the human readers: laptop) told her that lots of humans were eaten by the orange flames because they wanted to stay at their homes instead of selfishly fleeing leaving their cats and woofies behind to burn alone. i guess, humans are nice, even though they are a little silly at times.
anyway, it wasn’t nice when the black fur vet poked a sharp pointy thing inside my skin though. it pricked me! but he gave me a good massage after that so i got okay! mama told me it was called an ‘in-jec-tion’ and it will help me ‘not’ falling sick as days go by. oh well... i’m not sure why a prick on my skin will help me in any way- but what can you do when humans make you do things.... besides, i’m sure that was why i felt so crappy the rest of the day. mew. I napped through the evening!
you know about the orange flames (insert by maussie for the human readers: fire) that are eating up our forests (insert by maussie for the human readers: melbourne bushfire)? those orange flames made the whole city very smokey. mama and i both had a headache yesterday because we breathed the smoke in when we went to the vet, but mama thinks we should not complain much- lots of humans, cats, woofies, koalas and kangaroos has been having it a lot worse in the past 2 weeks.
mama cried yesterday when the flat black box (insert by maussie for the human readers: laptop) told her that lots of humans were eaten by the orange flames because they wanted to stay at their homes instead of selfishly fleeing leaving their cats and woofies behind to burn alone. i guess, humans are nice, even though they are a little silly at times.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
mama thinks i should tell all you cats about the fun-side of water. yes, you heard it purr-right- WATER!
i love water! i was very surprised to hear that many of you cats despise it. is that true??!! you must be kidding me! i say, give it a try. i tried and let me tell you what i found:
you know which one is the best-tasting water in this whole wide world? the ones that flow directly from that long silver cold thing (insert by maussie for the human readers: water taps). i decided to drink it straight from that thing and it's worth it. it's the best tasting water EVER!
once you get used to that, you can also try touching the water with your paw. you know- it changes it's direction and FLOWS into your paw! now, how amazing is THAT!
also that place where the water falls and disappears after a while (insert by maussie for the human readers: sink)- that makes a very good napping place when it's dry! the one my house has in that water room (insert by maussie for the human readers: bathroom)- it fits my size perfectly!!!
true, water tends to be a little too 'wet' for my liking if i paw it too much... but it's a lot of fun while you are doing it! trust me, mew!
try it try it!!! and tell me how you go!
i love water! i was very surprised to hear that many of you cats despise it. is that true??!! you must be kidding me! i say, give it a try. i tried and let me tell you what i found:
you know which one is the best-tasting water in this whole wide world? the ones that flow directly from that long silver cold thing (insert by maussie for the human readers: water taps). i decided to drink it straight from that thing and it's worth it. it's the best tasting water EVER!
once you get used to that, you can also try touching the water with your paw. you know- it changes it's direction and FLOWS into your paw! now, how amazing is THAT!
also that place where the water falls and disappears after a while (insert by maussie for the human readers: sink)- that makes a very good napping place when it's dry! the one my house has in that water room (insert by maussie for the human readers: bathroom)- it fits my size perfectly!!!
true, water tends to be a little too 'wet' for my liking if i paw it too much... but it's a lot of fun while you are doing it! trust me, mew!
try it try it!!! and tell me how you go!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
i 's been busy :D
i know i have been gone for some days and have not been in touch with my new friends, but here's pretty much what i did all this time!


Tuesday, February 10, 2009
orange flames...
something is very right! mama is home today too! meerow- two days in a row! i need to know what exactly i did right so that this happens more when i do it again! the human looks a little sick though. i groomed her his morning so that she looks a bit better.... her fur is not like mine- it's longer and it's not as soft- but what can you do? silly humans need grooming and cats do it best- after all.
the big light box (insert by maussie for the human readers: television) was showing some hungry-looking orange flames yesterday... the humans said the orange flame was called 'fire', and this time they were burning the big green things (insert by maussie for the human readers: forest) near where we live (insert by maussie for the human reders: bushfire). my purr-instict says we are safe though... but many cats out there may not be. i purring for them, hard- PURRRRRR!
i think papa is trying to get out of the house. i better go and guard the door so that this does not happen!
the big light box (insert by maussie for the human readers: television) was showing some hungry-looking orange flames yesterday... the humans said the orange flame was called 'fire', and this time they were burning the big green things (insert by maussie for the human readers: forest) near where we live (insert by maussie for the human reders: bushfire). my purr-instict says we are safe though... but many cats out there may not be. i purring for them, hard- PURRRRRR!
i think papa is trying to get out of the house. i better go and guard the door so that this does not happen!
Monday, February 9, 2009
window seat
there is something i really like doing: looking out the window. i can sit there for hours. usually i sit there around the time when papa and mama comes home... mama comes a little earlier than papa does... and i wait for them to come and cuddle me.
do you know what i see from the window?
birds... and yes, those shiny noisy big fast moving things too (insert by maussie for the human readers: cars). the birds make a lot of noise too, and i sometimes try to mimick them. mama laughed out loud one day when i tried to mimick those black and white birds (insert by maussie for the human readers: magpies). she thought it was funny... but you tell me, what's so funny in that? humans think everything is funny!
also, the the bright thing (insert by maussie for the human readers: sunlight) falling on the top of my scratching thing landing is nice. i cannot catch it though, i tried. but well... i stopped trying it now. i just know it feels nice when it falls on me so i let it.
oh.. guess what? mama is home today. i have been guarding the door- so that she cannot go out, but i think she is really not going outside today! my plan worked!!! papa went out though. i have been guarding the door for him too, but he went out while i just looked. after all i am just a small kitten and humans are so big.... what can i do?
do you know what i see from the window?
birds... and yes, those shiny noisy big fast moving things too (insert by maussie for the human readers: cars). the birds make a lot of noise too, and i sometimes try to mimick them. mama laughed out loud one day when i tried to mimick those black and white birds (insert by maussie for the human readers: magpies). she thought it was funny... but you tell me, what's so funny in that? humans think everything is funny!
also, the the bright thing (insert by maussie for the human readers: sunlight) falling on the top of my scratching thing landing is nice. i cannot catch it though, i tried. but well... i stopped trying it now. i just know it feels nice when it falls on me so i let it.
oh.. guess what? mama is home today. i have been guarding the door- so that she cannot go out, but i think she is really not going outside today! my plan worked!!! papa went out though. i have been guarding the door for him too, but he went out while i just looked. after all i am just a small kitten and humans are so big.... what can i do?
Sunday, February 8, 2009
ahh... humans..!
if only the humans were not so confusing *sigh*
my humans kept on moving from room to room last night. i kept asking them 'wassup?'... and they kept talking to themselves about 'hard con-tact len-ses'. i think whatever that thing is- papa had that stuck into his eyes for a long time and both of them tried to get that thing out.
i could help *mirrup*! but obviously humans think they know it all- and they did not even let me! they did not even think that i could help!
oh well... if only humans could understand cat...
my humans kept on moving from room to room last night. i kept asking them 'wassup?'... and they kept talking to themselves about 'hard con-tact len-ses'. i think whatever that thing is- papa had that stuck into his eyes for a long time and both of them tried to get that thing out.
i could help *mirrup*! but obviously humans think they know it all- and they did not even let me! they did not even think that i could help!
oh well... if only humans could understand cat...
Thursday, February 5, 2009
cats purr when they are happy... mirrup!
i purred so much today that i thought may be my purrbox will run out!
i was so happy to see mama after the whole day. i purred purred and purred... i even drooled all over her... i marked her with my head so that all the cats in the world know that she's my human! I licked her, nibbed her and then i slept on her... right on her shoulders! she laughed a lot, but she also gave me lots of cuddles!!! i think she likes me... miaw!
anyways... all is well now. mama and papa have been home for a while and i am not as desperate now. i am watching the birds from the window... and trying to plot a plan... i wonder how i can sneakily get into mama-papa's room and stay there for the night.... hmm.. i need to plot a plan... meeow!
and mirrp... i made sure to check my purrbox... so i did a small purring test on mama again and IT WORKED! i did not run out! phew! after all, if i stop purring all of a sudden one day- i'll be just half a cat and THAT cannot be good!
i was so happy to see mama after the whole day. i purred purred and purred... i even drooled all over her... i marked her with my head so that all the cats in the world know that she's my human! I licked her, nibbed her and then i slept on her... right on her shoulders! she laughed a lot, but she also gave me lots of cuddles!!! i think she likes me... miaw!
anyways... all is well now. mama and papa have been home for a while and i am not as desperate now. i am watching the birds from the window... and trying to plot a plan... i wonder how i can sneakily get into mama-papa's room and stay there for the night.... hmm.. i need to plot a plan... meeow!
and mirrp... i made sure to check my purrbox... so i did a small purring test on mama again and IT WORKED! i did not run out! phew! after all, if i stop purring all of a sudden one day- i'll be just half a cat and THAT cannot be good!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
chasing my toy mouse!
i am slowly getting used to my daily routine.... *nod* miaow!
these days i do not meow outside mama-papa’s bedroom door when they go to sleep. i don’t even try to wake them up in the mornings with my meows. mama thinks that i realized that i don’t REALLY need to meow all that much, because however much i meow at the bedroom door- it does not open till my breakfast time; and mama-papa never forgets to give me food- so no use meowing for food either. that’s good because i can spend the time by chasing my toys instead!
do you think mama-papa is trying to train me to behave by not listening to ALL my meow-demands? hmm... whatever, i think i am learning anyway.
and oh- i now weight 1.8 kilos, when i was first brought in to my house- i used to weigh 1.1! i am growing up too- i am now 3 MONTHS AND 10 DAYS old!
these days i do not meow outside mama-papa’s bedroom door when they go to sleep. i don’t even try to wake them up in the mornings with my meows. mama thinks that i realized that i don’t REALLY need to meow all that much, because however much i meow at the bedroom door- it does not open till my breakfast time; and mama-papa never forgets to give me food- so no use meowing for food either. that’s good because i can spend the time by chasing my toys instead!
do you think mama-papa is trying to train me to behave by not listening to ALL my meow-demands? hmm... whatever, i think i am learning anyway.
and oh- i now weight 1.8 kilos, when i was first brought in to my house- i used to weigh 1.1! i am growing up too- i am now 3 MONTHS AND 10 DAYS old!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
i like to sleep on my humans' lap. i heard them say that i am the ultimate lapcat, do you think it's true?
[gallery columns="2"]
[gallery columns="2"]
meeeeow... i hate ants!
no, i don't like ants anymore. they crawl on me and bite me and i keep running around the house. i think mama and papa has been trying to get rid of them for me today... mama wiped them off with a foul smelling liquid. there were hundreds of them near my food bowl and millions in my litter room.
i hate to admit it, but the hiumans were right. ants are annoying... and i am annoyed!
meeow... i want the ants gone!
i hate to admit it, but the hiumans were right. ants are annoying... and i am annoyed!
meeow... i want the ants gone!
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