Tuesday, February 17, 2009

the vet and more on orange flames...

mama took me to the v-e-t yesterday. this vet that i go to, his office is far from our home- but mama still takes me there because she says i have a ‘rappo’ with him. i guess she is right. the other ‘orange tabby fur (insert my maussie for the human readers: ginger haired)’ vet near our place does not talk to me like i am a person, he just talks to mama... but this ‘black fur’ (insert by maussie for the human readers: black haired) human who calls me ‘little sherkhan’ and actually talks to me like mama and papa does! i am surprised some humans think cats do not ‘get’ it when they speak to them! humans are so silly! meow!

anyway, it wasn’t nice when the black fur vet poked a sharp pointy thing inside my skin though. it pricked me! but he gave me a good massage after that so i got okay! mama told me it was called an ‘in-jec-tion’ and it will help me ‘not’ falling sick as days go by. oh well... i’m not sure why a prick on my skin will help me in any way- but what can you do when humans make you do things.... besides, i’m sure that was why i felt so crappy the rest of the day. mew. I napped through the evening!

you know about the orange flames (insert by maussie for the human readers: fire) that are eating up our forests (insert by maussie for the human readers: melbourne bushfire)? those orange flames made the whole city very smokey. mama and i both had a headache yesterday because we breathed the smoke in when we went to the vet, but mama thinks we should not complain much- lots of humans, cats, woofies, koalas and kangaroos has been having it a lot worse in the past 2 weeks.

mama cried yesterday when the flat black box (insert by maussie for the human readers: laptop) told her that lots of humans were eaten by the orange flames because they wanted to stay at their homes instead of selfishly fleeing leaving their cats and woofies behind to burn alone. i guess, humans are nice, even though they are a little silly at times.


Country Cats said...

It is so sad about those brush fires. We have been purring hard and doing what little we can from here. :) It's nice that your vet talks to you like Mom and Dad do. Our new vet does, too! He is very old with grey furs but he is very nice.

maussie said...

mama likes it when humans treat me like a 'person'. she says it's because i have so much 'per-so-na-li-ty'. i'm sure your mom feels the same way :)