Saturday, February 28, 2009

papa's eyes and other noos'!

Mama and papa have been busy and I had no one to help me blog! They’ve been busy at home, and mama complains about work too- that she’s drowning in work. Not sure how one ‘drowns’ in work. It’s not like ‘work’ is ‘water’!


I think papa is having a surgery in a few days. Cor-nea trans-plant. This is a com-plicated way of getting another human’s cor-nea and getting rid of the one he has now. I wonder if it will still smell the same. I guess I’ll need to find out in time.

Meanwhile, I think it’s good that papa will stay at home with me for some days. A kitty needs com-pany and papa makes a good com-panion! Besides, I’m a big boy now and I can take full responsibility of grooming the human!

We all know humans need grooming and cats do it best!

Besides the tops on human bellies make the best cat beds!


angel and Kirby said...

Good luck to papa ans his eye surgery! We know you will take good care of him!

The Crew said...

You must set some priorities for your humans, Sherkan, and insist that your blogging needs come first!! Time alone with your Papa will help this. You can present your case and discuss things, man to man.

Country Cats said...

We hope your papa's surgery goes well!

maussie said...

i will! thank you!

maussie said...

thank meow! i hope so too :)

maussie said...

yes! thanks for the moral support!

angel and Kirby said...

We hopes you gets to go home soon asn check on your papa!