Monday, February 9, 2009

window seat

there is something i really like doing: looking out the window. i can sit there for hours. usually i sit there around the time when papa and mama comes home... mama comes a little earlier than papa does... and i wait for them to come and cuddle me.

do you know what i see from the window?

birds... and yes, those shiny noisy big fast moving things too (insert by maussie for the human readers: cars). the birds make a lot of noise too, and i sometimes try to mimick them. mama laughed out loud one day when i tried to mimick those black and white birds (insert by maussie for the human readers: magpies). she thought it was funny... but you tell me, what's so funny in that? humans think everything is funny!

also, the the bright thing (insert by maussie for the human readers: sunlight) falling on the top of my scratching thing landing is nice. i cannot catch it though, i tried. but well... i stopped trying it now. i just know it feels nice when it falls on me so i let it.

oh.. guess what? mama is home today. i have been guarding the door- so that she cannot go out, but i think she is really not going outside today! my plan worked!!! papa went out though. i have been guarding the door for him too, but he went out while i just looked. after all i am just a small kitten and humans are so big.... what can i do?


KC said...

Welcome to the Cat Blogosphere. We just posted your blog, so very nice to meet you.
Love & Purrs,

maussie said...

Many thanks KC!

Zippy, Sadie and Speedy said...

Hi Sherkhan and mom Maussie, welcome to da cat blogosphere! It's furry nice to meet yoo.

Country Cats said...

Watching out the window is loads of fun; Kaleb & Teal'c like to mimic the birds, too! We are adding you to our google reader to keep up with you every day :)

maussie said...

hello zippy, sadie and speedy!
wow- i have three friends already! mama says i should say 'thank you' to nice humans ant cats! so, thank you!!!!
furry nice to meet you too... all of you are gorgeous!
sherkhan (and maussie)

maussie said...

meeow... what a nice idea!
mama says she will help me create an rss feed of your blog and publish here in mine, once she is done working from home today- if that's alright with you :)

Country Cats said...

That is alright with us!

the Cat Street Boyz said...

Welcome to the Cat Blogosphere! You will love it and meet lots of new furends. Wow you really have deep blue eyes. Have fun blogging new furend=^Y^=the cat Street Boyz

Karen Jo said...

Hi Sherkhan and Maussie! Watching out the window is a great way to spend your time. My brother's cat chitters at the birds, too.

maussie said...

when i first heard it, i was so confused! i had never seen another cat do it...! then i googled a bit and sort of got the idea of what he was actually doing! cats are amazing :)
thanks for visiting sherkhan's blog :)
- maussie

maussie said...

meeow... yes- i do! mama says i am her 'blue eyed boy' :)
i love blogosphere already! thank meeow!

Rosie! said...

....ahem....more pix pleez....

Firestar said...

Hi, Sherkhan. Firestar here. I'm doing my morning walkabout with Bevie and we decided to look for something new about cats. We found you!

Love your name, by the way.

I like to look out windows, too. We got birds, but we also have rabbits. They come right up to the door sometimes. Really cool!

We've marked your blog as a return site, so we should be back again later.

Relax in the sun, lad. purrrrrr

The Meezers said...

Hi! It's furry nice to meet you! we loves looking at the fev-vers too!

The Creek Cats said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! We just wanted to come by and introduce ourselves. We are seven cats and a woofie living on a creek. It's so nice to meet you! Come by and see us sometime, we love company!

Lucy & Truxie said...

Hi Sherkhan and Maussie, it is very nice to meet you. We heard about your bloggie at the Cat Blogosphere. Welcome!

Hendrix said...

Hi! Nice to meet you. I too like looking out the window. It is a nice way to pass the time until my mommy and daddy come home. I also nap a lot.

purrrrrrrs I hope you'll stop by and visit me sometime!

Samantha & Mr. Tigger said...

Hi Sherkhan & Maussie! We saw you at the CB and came to say Welcome!! Your picture is lovely!! We are going to add you to our Blog List!! We'll be back to see you again!
Your FL furiends,

Angus Mhor said...

Hello, Pretty Sherkhan! It's very nice to have you as part of the CB! Did you know that I chatter at the birds, too? I say, "ick, ick, ick".

Your friend,


maussie said...

yes, i think mama now knows that we cats chatter at the birds... i say 'cacka cacka cacka'. purrs for the com-pli-ment :)

maussie said...

thank meow. mama will do the same with your blog whenever she gets some time today. mirrup!

maussie said...

thank meeow!!!! cat blog-os-phere is nice!

maussie said...

yaaay! i nap a lot too. i love napping on mama and papa's lap! but my favourite sleeping place is on the sofa handle when mama and papa goes hunting for food. meeow! visit me too, i live near the ocean!

maussie said...

seven cats!! meeow... lots of friends. mama said she will take me to a walk today to the homes of all the nice new friends who dropped by to make me feel all purry.

maussie said...

hello firestar, you have a meeroow name as well. i think sher means lion at where mama comes from. and mama says i look like one!
mama will help me mark your blog too! purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

maussie said...

purr... i asked mama to bring the big flashy thing out (insert for the human readers: camera) and snap!

Pearl, Bert and Jake said...

Hiya Sherkhan! It' sure is a pleasure to meet you! And welcome to the Cat Blogosphere!

We all love sitting in the window to do some window shopping :-) We're looking forward to reading all about your adventures.

Pearl, Bert and Jake

maussie said...

thank meeow!!
i'll follow up on yours as well! purrs...

Fat Eric said...

Hi Sherkhan! Always nice to meet new cat bloggers. You sound like you have a fun life!

I am a ‘Kreativ Blogger’! « Sherkhan said...

[...] Watching birdies from the net window. I even cackle with them magpies! They tease me by flying around, so I sit on my window seat and [...]

When Cats Attack! » Carnival of the Cats #262 said...

[...] Sherkhan also talks about one of our favorite past-times, looking out the window. [...]